Mr. Adtiya Srivastava (Chairman)

Date of Birth


Date of Appointment




Directorship of other Companies

1. Bentley Commercial Enterprises Ltd.

2. Speedage Commercials Ltd.

Chairman/Member of Committees of the Board of Companies of which he is a Director

Bentley Commercial Enterprises Ltd:

1. Audit Committee                                      – Chairman.

2. Stakeholders Relationship Committee        – Chairman.

3. Nomination and Remuneration

   Committee                                               – Member.


Speedage Commercials Ltd:

1. Audit Committee                                      – Chairman.

2. Stakeholders Relationship Committee        – Chairman.

3. Nomination and Remuneration

   Committee                                               – Member.


Speedage Commercials Ltd:

1. Audit Committee                                      – Chairman.

2. Stakeholders Relationship Committee        – Chairman.

3. Nomination and Remuneration

   Committee                                               – Member.


Mr. Aditya Srivastava was appointed on the Board of Company as an Additional Director (Independent Category) w.e.f. 31.08.2015 and later on, he was appointed/ regularized as Independent Director of Company not liable to retire by rotation in its Annual General Meeting held on 29th September, 2015.

The Company is likely to be immensely benefited from the enriched and long experience of Mr. Aditya Srivastava.

Mr. Dipesh Sanghvi (Independent Director)

Date of Birth


Date of Appointment




Directorship of other Companies

1. Bentley Commercial Enterprises Ltd.

2. Speedage Commercials Ltd.

Chairman/Member of Committees of the Board of Companies of which he is a Director

Bentley Commercial Enterprises Ltd:

1. Audit Committee                                      – Member.

2. Stakeholders Relationship Committee        – Member.

3. Nomination and Remuneration

    Committee                                             – Chairman.


Speedage Commercials Ltd:

1. Audit Committee                                     – Member.

2. Stakeholders Relationship Committee       – Member.

3. Nomination and Remuneration

   Committee                                              – Chairman.


Speedage Commercials Ltd:

1. Audit Committee                                     – Member.

2. Stakeholders Relationship Committee       – Member.

3. Nomination and Remuneration

   Committee                                              – Chairman.


Mr. Dipesh Sanghvi was appointed on the Board of Company as an Additional Director (Independent Category) w.e.f. 31.08.2015 and later on, he was appointed/ regularized as Independent Director of Company not liable to retire by rotation in its Annual General Meeting held on 29th September, 2015.

The Company is likely to be immensely benefited from the enriched and long experience of Mr. Dipesh Sanghvi.

Mr. B. M. Bhansali-Director

Date of Birth


Date of Appointment




Directorship of other Companies

a) Bhansali Engineering Polymers Ltd.

b) Speedage Commercials Ltd.

c) Bentley Commercial Enterprises Ltd.

d) Bhansali International Pvt. Ltd.

e) Bhansali Innovative Finance Pvt.Ltd.

f) Bhansali Engineering Industries Pvt. Ltd.

g) Bhansali Industrial Investment & Fin. Pvt. Ltd.

h) Bhansali Nippon A&L Pvt. Ltd.

Chairman/Member of Committees of the Board of Companies of which he is a Director

Bhansali Engineering Polymers Ltd:

1. Stakeholders Relationship Committee  – Member.

2. CSR Committee                                 – Member.

Mr. Jayesh B. Bhansali-Director

Date of Birth


Date of Appointment




Directorship of other Companies

1. Bhansali Engineering Polymers Ltd.

2. Speedage Commercials Ltd.

3. Bentley Commercial Enterprises Ltd.

4. Bhansali International Pvt. Ltd.

5. Bhansali Innovative Finance Pvt.Ltd.

6. Bhansali Engineering Industries Pvt. Ltd.

7. Bhansali Industrial Investment & Fin. Pvt. Ltd.

8. Bhansali Nippon A&L Pvt. Ltd.

Chairman/Member of Committees of the Board of Companies of which he is a Director

Bhansali Engineering Polymers Ltd:

1. Audit Committee                              – Member.

2. CSR Committee                               – Member.

Ms. Meenakshi Bhansali-Director

Date of Birth


Date of Appointment




Directorship of other Companies

1. Speedage Commercials Ltd.

2. Bentley Commercial Enterprises Ltd.

3. Bhansali International Pvt. Ltd.

4. Bhansali Innovative Finance Pvt.Ltd.

5. Bhansali Engineering Industries Pvt. Ltd.

6. Bhansali Industrial Investment & Fin. Pvt. Ltd.

Chairman/Member of Committees of the Board of Companies of which he is a Director